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Horror and relief as we get lost in the dark on Scafell Pike

In her second blog from the Give Local National Three Peaks Challenge, Lizzie Jones reflects on a horrendous night she'll never forget!

Oh my God! What have we just done? That was the worst experience I’ve ever had!

After the beauty of Ben Nevis, none of were prepared for the horror of a night-time ascent and descent of England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike.

I may sound like a bit of a drama queen but it really was bad: even though we had a guide with us, at some point we lost the path and spent two hours literally scrambling around in the dark trying to get to the top.

Climbing on scree isn’t easy at the best of times but when it’s pitch black and the clouds have moved in to make every rock as slippery as ice, it’s a nightmare.

I don’t mind saying that I broke down and cried. Four times! And I wasn’t the only one.

It was also so steep we had to clamber up on all fours and rocks were falling down in front of us and on to the people behind.

I never want to experience anything like that again.

But, of course, the fact that you’re reading this means only we one thing: we did it!

I don’t know how but we finally found the summit and got safely down, when dawn was breaking and that ‘invisible’ path up to the top appeared through the broken cloud.

Our spirits were lifted at the bottom by the amazing Mr and Mrs Hicks, a fantastic Cumbrian couple who met us at 4.00am with hot soup, noodles and big warm smiles.

Now it’s on to Wales and a well-earned nap in the minibus: we’re tired, bloody but not beaten. Come on Snowdon, bring it on!

Lizzie and the 21 other Give Local Three Peaks Challenge walkers are climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours to raise money for the Danny Jones Defibrillator Fund.

Please support them on their adventure by visiting

All proceeds will help amateur and junior Rugby League clubs purchase a life-saving defibrillator or provide cardiac screening for players.

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